Sunday, March 9, 2008


So I'm really, really, going to try and post better.

I've had that Guild Wars post saved for oh... the better part of a month now. So hopefully I can actually get better at keeping this up. I always think...oh, I should blog that. And do I? No. So know I really am going to try to.

I was going to say something about Justine Larbalestier and her blog and then as I went to look up how exactly to spell her name, I totally forgot what it was. I don't keep up with a lot of blogs, but hers is one of them and I check it daily. I believe I was going to say something about books and cannot for the life of me remember what it was. Eh.

Well that must be it for this post. Real life calls. (as opposed to the imaginary world of a book or Guild Wars.)

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