Tuesday, March 18, 2008

St. Patrick's Day... a little late

I'm sad I did not get the chance yesterday to post Happy St. Patrick's Day yesterday. Of all the holidays we have, this is one of my favorite. Though sadly too often the real reason for this day is forgotten. Patrick was (as far as can be told) probably the first Christian missionary to Ireland in the late 400's AD. He brought the truth and hope of Christ to a nation sadly dictated by the beliefs of the Druids. I was looking up Patrick on Wikipedia and there really isn't a lot known about him. But suffice to say that he did bring Christianity to Ireland and he did amazing things while he was there.

So next St. Patrick's Day... don't just blow it off as a silly holiday for drinking beer and remember the person the holiday was created for.

I was decked out yesterday in my traditional Irish wear. My green Ireland shirt with a shamrock on it... from Old Navy. HeeHee. I got that a couple years ago. It seems that Once a new year starts, I can never wear the shirt until after St. Patrick's day. You know they say "no white after Labor Day"... well I say no Ireland shirt until St. Patrick's day and after. :0) It's a silly tradition, but its fun. Its my way of making the holiday a little more special.

Because hey, somewhere in my family tree I'm Irish (yay red hair!) and I have to celebrate my heritage!!


Thanks to those of you who are keeping up with this. I apologize for posts so few and far between. But my goal is to post at least twice a week... we'll see how that goes.
Comments are really awesome....

Coming up next.... notable books of the past month...

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